Interactive Video Training - How it works

This one-to-one tailor-made training takes place in person with your tutor via webcam using Zoom, Teams or Skype interactive video software, free to download and use. Choose your course from one or a combination of the following areas:
- Accent Training
- Elocution Training
- English Pronunciation
- Communication Training
- Phonetics for Singers
All courses are especially created for the individual student following an initial free assessment and can combine the necessary elements from the above subject areas to suit your requirements.
In a typical online lesson:
- We email you the lesson material 24 hours prior to the start of the lesson
- You print out the material or call it up on your screen ready for the start time of the lesson
- We log on to Zoom or Skype at the scheduled time
- After the lesson we send you an MP3 audio copy of the exercises we covered in the lesson
- You practice and consolidate the material, preferably before we do the next lesson
The initial assessment takes 15 minutes and is cost and obligation free. It is conducted via webcam prior to the start of any tuition to assess your main learning requirements. It also gives you the opportunity to meet me personally and check you feel comfortable with online learning. Following this, you’ll receive a course proposal recommending the areas you’ll need to cover and how many hours it will take to achieve this.
‘I came to Lindsey having spent two years trawling around London searching high and low for a dialect coach that a) had time and wasn’t away on jobs much of the time (Lindsey coaches via Skype and is accessible from anywhere) and b) had a technique or way of teaching that ACTUALLY worked. I had been sent to all sorts of people by different film production companies, theatres, the BBC etc. and had never found someone that I thought I’d use forever – for any accent or job. However, meeting Lindsey totally changed this. She is an extraordinary teacher – totally thorough, always kind, supportive and attentive, and just brilliant at what she does. The Voice Café is an amazing audio tool – and something you can access wherever you are in the world, any time or place. I have seen Lindsey for a year now, and have recommended her to many other actors and agents – with one top agent at WME in LA calling me to say his client had wished he had seen her earlier because she had ‘changed his career’. I could not possibly recommend her more highly, particularly to actors that, like me, have despaired at the lack of quality dialect coaching out there. Lindsey is absolutely, 100 percent the answer to that.’
Vanessa Kirby, Actress
‘I met Lindsey in London and we started face-to-face lessons but we couldn’t carry on so she suggested that I try Skype lessons instead. I confess that I was very reluctant about it initially and it took a while before I decided to try. I wasn’t sure whether it would be as effective and my main concerns were about not being properly heard by Lindsey or having difficulty in learning and understanding her points. Now I’m glad decided to try as I can say that Skype lessons are just as effective as face-to-face lessons, and there are no learning differences at all! In fact I found it very good for improving pronunciation as the communication with Lindsey on Skype was purely based on the sounds of words, whereas when we are face-to-face we are always helped by body language. In Skype she could hear my mistakes clearly and help me to correct them. It also has the big advantage of saving commuting time and allowing us more time for practicing and studying. Not to mention we can guarantee a positive learning environment and not being interrupted. It is so much more convenient that I really recommend it to anyone.’
Adriana Moura, Advisory Consultant, London